Int.Ch.Quax of Sunnyland
BRI Golden shaded point
Dusty v.d. Cramer-Samtpfoten BRI Seal silver point
Andy v. Wahrberg
BRI golden shaded
Eur.Ch. Maurice v. Wahrberg
BRI seal golden point
Int.Ch. Kandy v.Romero
BRI black-golden-shaded
Abendsonne v. Zauberland
BRI blue silver tabby point
Ch. Nicolas v. Zauberland
Ch. Hommelchen v. Zauberland
Minza of Sannyland
BRI Seal silver point
Silver-Nicki v. Wahrberg
BRI black silver shaded
Ch.Jadwiga’s Silver Mario Lanza
BRI silver shaded
Ch. Lady Di v. Wahrberg
BRI blue silver shaded
Jonny’s Schneeweßchen
BRI blau tabby pont
Silver Eddy v. Wahrberg
Marcie v. Mafdet

Gr.Int.Ch.Glorioza Blue crystals
BLH seal tabby point
World Ch. Quentin Sensei Cat’s berry
BRI Seal silver tabby point
Int.Ch. Rafael Gregori al Gato
BRI silver shaded point
Silver-Joshua vom Goldenen Winkel
Silver shaded
Selby Snow Queen
Silver shaded
Ch. Rafaello Cat’s berry
BRI lilac tortie point
Ch. Krown-Prince of Marsell
BRI Cream point
Blue point
Ch.Escada Felin Salut
BRI silver shaded point
Ace-Alleor Gatto de Rey
BRI silver shaded point
Ch. Seymur Gregory al Gato
BRI silver shaded point
Blanche Bernadette iz Lunnogo Legiona
silver shaded
Jozefina Gregori al Gato
BRI silver shaded point
Ludvig Venzel Gregory al Gato
BRI silver shaded point
Zaya Gregory al Gato
BRI silver shaded point