Feeding the kitten
Some animals of our cattery eat only industrial professional feed, and only some of them prefer only natural products. When choosing food for your pet, you should take into account his preferences, as well as his habits. Of course, you should not go on about if your pet begs for foods that are contraindicated or harmful to him. Try to make your pet's food varied, offer him a variety of healthy foods to try. Sometimes cats become lovers of the most unusual foods, such as bananas, persimmons, tomatoes. These products will not harm your cat, and a small amount can be offered to your pet as a treat.
Eating a cat with industrial feed
We recommend feeding British kittens and cats with super premium industrial food. Not so long ago we discovered new professional cat food of the "Farmina" trademark (Italy), which we recommend for your pets.
The Natural & Delicious (N&D) line is recommended to provide a nutritious diet for British cats and kittens. These diets are of two types: grain-free (with a green leaf on the pack) and low-grain (yellow leaf). In the production of these feeds, natural ingredients, minerals, vitamins are used to create a balanced diet at an optimal price. The products are made from Italian raw materials. Farmina manufactures its products at three of its own factories, which are located in the following countries: Italy, Brazil, Serbia.
Animals fed with professional dry food should not be given any additional additives, as these feeds already contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Of course, you can use any professional feed of a class, but they must be at least premium. The new feed should be introduced gradually, adding a small amount to the usual feed.
Dry food for animals should always be freely available, then they will not eat "in reserve" and will not overeat.
Natural products table
Сухая пища для животных всегда должна быть в свободном доступе, тогда они не будут есть «в запасе» и не переедать.